(905) 579-9554



Association Members - R


Rad, Paria
Firm: Woitzik Polsinelli Lawyers and Mediators LLP
Address: 700 Brock St. South | Whitby ON | L1N 4L2
Tel: 905-668-4486 & Fax: 905-668-9737
Email: paria@durhamlawyer.ca & Website: www.durhamlawyer.ca
Year called to Bar: 2013
Area of Practice: Family/Matrimonial, Real Estate

Rashid, Sania
Firm: Walker, Head
Address: 1315 Pickering Parkway | Pickering ON | L1V 7G5
Tel: 905-839-4484 Ext 135 & Fax: 905-420-1073
Email: srashid@walkerhead.com & Website: www.walkerhead.com
Year called to Bar: 2021
Area of Practice: Wills & Estates

Raven, Gregory
Firm: Kelly Greenway Bruce
Address: 114 King Street | Oshawa ON | L1H 1B6
Tel: 905-723-2278 ext. 234 & Fax: 905-432-2478
Email: graven@oshawalawyers.com & Website: www.oshawalawyers.com
Year called to Bar: 2009
Area of Practice: Corporate/Commercial, Estate Litigation,
Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Wills & Estates

Ready, Christine
Firm: Ready Family Law
Address: Suite 210 – 200 Bond St. West | Oshawa ON | L1J 2L7
Tel: 905-728-3064 & Fax: 905-728-6241
Email: c.ready@bellnet.ca & Website: www.readyfamilylaw.com
Year called to Bar: 1996
Area of Practice: Collaborative Law, Family/Matrimonial

Reczulski, Ted
Firm: Koziar, Reczulski, Hunter
Address: 78 Centre Street North 2nd Floor | Oshawa ON | L1G 4B6
Tel: 905-571-3214 & Fax: 905-571-3832
Email: lawoffices@koziarlaw.com & Website: www.koziarlaw.com
Year called to Bar: 1982
Area of Practice: Estate Litigation, Family/Matrimonial, Real Estate, Wills & Estates
Second Language Spoken: Polish

Reid, Holly
Creighton Law Firm
Address: 235 King St. East | Oshawa ON | L1H 1C5
Tel: 905-723-3446
Email: hreid@durhamlawyers.ca & Website: durhamlawyers.ca
Year called to Bar: 2024
Area of Practice: Civil, Corporate/Commercial, Family, Real Estate, Wills & Estate

Reilly, Michael
Firm: Reilly and Partners PC
Address: 555 Kingston Rd. W. | 2nd Floor | Ajax ON | L1S 6M1
Tel: 905-427-4077 x 24 & Fax: 905-427-4042
Email: mreilly@reillyandpartners.com & Website: www.reillyandpartners.com
Year called to Bar: 1992
Area of Practice: Family/Matrimonial
Second Languages within Firm: French, Italian, Tagalog, Cantonese

Richter, Alan
Firm: Richter Grewal Di Lorenzo LLP
Address: 59 Division Street | Oshawa, ON | L1G 5L8
Tel: 905-723-4747 & Fax: 905-723-4741 & Toll Free: 1-866-655-4647
Email: alan@justicelawyers.ca & Website: www.justicelawyers.ca
Year called to Bar: 1999
Area of Practice: Aboriginal Law, Criminal Law

Ricci-Zulli, Tina
Firm: Walker, Head
Address: 1315 Pickering Parkway | Pickering ON | L1V 7G5
Tel: 905-839-4484 & Fax: 905-420-1073
Email: trz@walkerhead.com & Website: www.walkerhead.com
Year called to Bar:

Robinson, Louis
Firm: Ashbourne Robinson
Address: 18 Wynford Dr. | Suite 701 | North York ON | M3C 3S2
Tel: 416-502-9610​ & Fax: 416-502-9619
Email: louis.ashroblawyer@gmail.com
Year called to Bar:
Area of Practice: Criminal Law, Family Law, Civil Litigation,
Small Claims, Real Estate, Wills & Estates, Landlord & Tenant,
Provincial Offences

Robles, Jeffrey
Firm: Reilly and Partners PC
Address: 555 Kingston Rd. W. | 2nd Floor | Ajax ON | L1S 6M1
Tel: 905-427-4077 x 29 & Fax: 905-427-4042
Email: jrobles@reillyandpartners.com & Website: www.reillyandpartners.com
Year called to Bar: 2002
Area of Practice: Civil Litigation, Human Rights, Labour/Employment Law, Personal Injury Law
Second Language Spoken: Tagalog

Rodrigues, John Paul
Firm: Justice in Pieces
Tel: 647-987-5763
Email: jp@jprlaw.ca & Website: www.justiceinpieces.ca
Year called to Bar: 2013
Area of Practice: Criminal, Immigration

Rodrigues, Kelly
The Regional Municipality of Durham
Address: 605 Rossland Road East | Whitby ON | L1N 6A3
Tel: 905-668-7711 ext. 2086 & Fax: 905-668-4752
Email: kelly.rodrigues@durham.ca & Website: www.durham.ca
Year Called to Bar: Articling Student
Area of Practice: Municipal Law

Rohr, Rachel
Firm: Rohr Law
Address: 106-172 King St. East | Oshawa ON | L1K 3B6
Tel: 905-571-5123
Email: rachel@rohrlaw.ca & Website: rohrlaw.ca
Year called to Bar: 2021
Area of Practice: Family/Matrimonial Law

Romanino, Vanessa
Firm: Woitzik Polsinelli Lawyers and Mediators LLP
Address: 700 Brock St. South | Whitby ON | L1N 4L2
Tel: 905-668-4486 & Fax: 905-668-9737
Email: vanessa@durhamlawyer.ca & Website: www.durhamlawyer.ca
Year called to Bar: 2015
Area of Practice: Real Estate, Wills & Estates

Ross, Arvin
Firm: Arvin Ross PC
Address: 50 Richmond St. East Ste 119 | Oshawa ON | L1G 7C7
Tel: 416-960-0781 & Fax: 416-800-4445
Email: law@arvinross.com & Website: www.arvinross.com
Year called to Bar: 2014
Area of Practice: Criminal Law, DUI Defence

Roth, M. Christine
Firm: Roth Law Offices

253 Division St. Ste 109 | Cobourg ON | K9A 3P9
TEL: 905-373-0808 & FAX: 905-373-1254

219 Carlton St. 2nd Floor | Toronto ON | M5A 2L2
TEL: 416-926-1599 & FAX: 416-926-8968
Email: mchristineroth@rothatlaw.ca & Website: rothatlaw.com/en
Year called to Bar: 2004
Area of Practice: Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Family/Matrimonial,
Human Rights, Wills and Estates

Rubinoff, Barry
Address: 488 Huron Street | Toronto ON | M5R 2R3
Tel: 416-966-4884 & Fax: 416-966-6768
Email: barry.rubinoff@bellnet.ca
Year called to Bar: 1981
Area of Practice: Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Elder Law,
Estate Litigation, Professional Negligence

Ryan, Kevin
The Regional Municipality of Durham
Address: 605 Rossland Rd. East | Whitby ON | L1N 6A3
Tel: 905-668-7711 ext. 2093 & Fax: 905-668-4752
Email: kevin.ryan@durham.ca & Website: www.durham.ca
Year called to Bar: 2004
Area of Practice: Municipal Law